Maximum Laser Rifle Dmg
Nov 18, 2015 Confused about Gauss Rifle Dmg rating I just bought mine in Diamond city and moded it and i have 80% dmg buff and im playing on HARD with rifleman 3 or 4 so it does roughly over 300 dmg or so but im finding that with about half that i do more dmg with combat shotgun or overseers rifle. Lasermax Newsletter Sign up for our email newsletters to be the first to receive new product alerts, coupons, expert advice, and important tips.We will never sell or share your information.
Fabricated Sniper Rifle | |
This semi-automatic rifle has less punch than a Longneck Rifle, but can be fired much more rapidly. | |
Weapon | |
Type | Gun |
Ammo used | Advanced Sniper Bullet (100) |
Ranged damage | 165 () |
Rate of fire | 3.3 RPS |
Magazine size | 8 |
Reload time | 04.24 seconds |
DPS | 198.1 / 544.5 () |
Supported Attachments | Flashlight Laser Silencer |
Item | |
Weight | 25.0 |
Durability | 70.0 (1 per shot) |
Added in | v218.0 |
Spawn Command cheat giveitemnum 436 1 0 0 or cheat GFI MachinedSniper 1 0 0 or cheat giveitem 'Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponMachinedSniper.PrimalItem_WeaponMachinedSniper' 1 0 0 | |
Crafting | |
Required level | Level 83 |
Engram Points | 36 EP |
Crafting XP | 468 XP |
Crafting Time | 15s |
Prerequisites | |
Crafted in | Fabricator Tek Replicator |
Required Stations | |
Ingredients | |
Resources breakdown 115 × Polymer, Organic Polymer, or Corrupted Nodule 110 × Cementing Paste or Achatina Paste |
The Fabricated Sniper Rifle is a ranged weapon, a more advanced version of the Longneck Rifle. It uses Advanced Sniper Bullet for ammo. While it doesn't do as much damage per shot as the Longneck (165 damage compared to the Longneck's 280) it can be fired 8 times before needing to be reloaded.
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The weapon has an excellent burst DPS, just some points shy of the destructive Pump-Action Shotgun. Also, considering how ammunition makes for most of the cost while using a weapon, it is indeed cheaper to use than the Assault Rifle, while retaining a high yet manageable recoil because of the lower firerate. Finally, unlike shotguns, it is effective at all ranges possible. To compensate, this weapon has a very long reload time for its small 8 round magazine and a fast durability drain, making sustained fire an unwise option. Moreover, it expels an absolute number of projectiles (remember that shotguns fire multiple pellets) at a much slower pace than any other fabricated weapon, reducing the chances to hit a moving target when used by less skilled survivors.
It is also the most expensive to craft and therefore requires much more materials to produce in mass and obtain high crafting bonuses.
Notes[editedit source]
Real Laser Rifle
- While the Fabricated Sniper Rifle has a base damage of 165, all creatures aside from Humans take only 70% damage from guns. This means that the Rifle only does around 115 damage to creatures.
- This weapon comes with a built-in scope that doesn't use up the attachment slot, effectively allowing for it to have two attachments.
- The durability drain per shot makes this an expensive weapon to keep repaired.
- This is a good alternative to the Longneck Rifle. Its power comes from its ability to fire rapidly which makes it less punishable for players with bad aim, although it is also more expensive to maintain.

Trivia[editedit source]

- The Fabricated Sniper Rifle resembles a cross of a Modern Dragunov SVD and a M14 EBR.