Mobaffire Attack Dmg Bard

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Mobaffire Attack Dmg Bard Average ratng: 6,3/10 9976 votes
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  2. Mobafire Attack Dmg Bard Free

Bard AD/Attack Speed Build. Bard build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Bard Strategy Builds and Tools. Help Support Our Growing Community. MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Please consider supporting us.

Aatrox Ahri Akali Alistar Amumu Anivia Annie Ashe Aurelion Sol Azir Bard Blitzcrank Brand Braum Caitlyn Camille Cassiopeia Cho'Gath Corki Darius Diana Dr. Mundo Draven Ekko Elise Evelynn Ezreal Fiddlesticks Fiora Fizz Galio Gangplank Garen Gnar Gragas Graves Hecarim Heimerdinger Illaoi Irelia Ivern Janna Jarvan IV Jax Jayce Jhin Jinx Kai'Sa. The word 'bard' ordinarily puts folk in mind of those itinerant minstrels, fair of voice and nimble of finger, who earn their coin performing in taverns and the halls of great lords. Few know, however, that bards in fact trace their origins back to the bowmen of eld, who sang in the heat of battle to fortify the spirits of their companions. Perhaps the best way to understand why TWF underperforms SWF is to recognize that, on a Bard, TWF doesn't attack more often. Base attack rate is about 88 attacks/minute. This is increased to 101 (TWF, 15% haste) and 128 (SWF, 45% haste). @128 attacks/minute, your level 30 shield bashes will proc near cap - let's say 50/minute.

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If she stuns you while her ADC is there and you're not in a good spot. Then you're going to have a bad time !


With his little toy shooting things if he has them out and you run into them.. You're going to have a bad time !


He is rather easy to kill when you have him stunned however, Watch out for his ult it can sometimes creep up on you..


He has some good poke damage but that damage early game can be rather bad so make sure you play safe and get some good stuns for your ADC to shut him down as soon as possible.



With his slowing abilities it is not a good area for Bard to be in especially if you don't have any movement items on.

Introduction - Bard

So I have recently been looking around since Bard has came out and seeing how people have been playing him and what they think of him overall.
So far it has just been negative things about him. However, After looking about and seeing some good things I decided to try AD Bard instead of AP. This was the Best decision I have ever made. Ever since then I have either been getting a few kills myself or helping my team out a lot with the assists!
Here you will find out a number of things!
So.. Lets get to it shall we?


So I decided to skip the Runes and Masteries chapter for now as I will edit them in later.
So, To start off with first I wanted to mention items.
When looking about and seeing what people said I saw a lot of people was annoyed with his attack speed being sloppy because of the animation for it etc. I am here to say just stop trying to make attack speed Bard work it just won't!
Alright I will make this sweet and simple.
When you enter the game the good things to buy is:
    Ancient Coin (For getting them 2 coins every time a minion dies it really does help!)
    Ward (Obviously)
    2 x Health Pot ( I strongly advise you keep buying these throughout as it helps in difficult situations!

After you rack up some coins I suggest you start to build Trinity Force as it gives you a little bit of everything that Bard needs!
Here's how I build my Trinity Force:
    Doran's Blade,
    Ruby Crystal,
    (Both build into Phage)
    Sapphire Crystal,
    Amplifying Tome,
    (Both build into Sheen)
    Brawlers Gloves,
    (Both build into Zeal)

Then you are set for Trinity Force.
After you have Trinity Force I advise that you use Black cleaver.
I currently don't have the time to tell you step by step how to build it however just keep remembering attack damage and go for 'Doran's Blade' First!
Once You built that you can move onto Frozen Mallet then Infinity Edge!

Skill Sequence

That is pretty much the best advice I can give you. Maxing Q first is great just primarily for the fact you can stun them if it hits another champion or minion or wall! This plays a great advantage for you and your teammates to kill them!
Make sure you also max W. It helps with the heals in tough situations!
E is good for getting away.. Setting a trap or.. Chasing a champion of low health so make sure you keep that nice and leveled!
Of course! Your R. Make sure you can Max that when you can.
Please advise to use R when you think it is right. The amount of times I have seen people use it and it was not needed or it had cost their team mates to die. I have used it for many things stopping an enemy champion from chasing a fellow allie that is low health. Stopping a champion in their tracks to run to them stun them against a wall and kill them and many other uses for it!

Team Work

Teamwork Is Vital!
Yes! That's right.
I have seen many people complain about their support Bard wondering off to collect chimes. Stop doing it. During my time as playing Bard I realised that 25 chimes will be a good amount to get. However, Make sure you do not go out your way to collect these. Only collect them if they are nearby or your lane is good as well as your ADC.
I'd also like to strongly advise when collecting chimes don't go out too far without knowing where abouts roughly their Jungler is!
Back to teamwork!
Make sure you always have a fellow teammate near you so when you get the all important stun not only will you have some strong attack damage but they will to resulting in a win win situation.
Always place health packs on the ground it is a big help in getting out of messy situations and it helps your team mates a lot despite it not giving much help.

Champions (Avoid/Kill)

To be honest I could name a tonne of champions for each to avoid and kill but I suppose it depends all entirely on whether or not they are fed.
However, I narrowed some down that you should avoid. Number one on my list is Heimerdinger. When he has his shooting things out they take Bards health out so so easy it is actually not believable!
Watch out for other champions that can stun too as it leaves you in a pickle on trying to run away!

Pros / Cons

Kills for Bard,
Plenty of Assists,
If played Safe barely any deaths,
Can still be a bit 'Squishy'
Unless you are near a wall (or chimes), Trying to run away is hard.


This is still incomplete however I will return to finish this off when I can.Mobaffire Attack Dmg Bard
It is also my first ever one I have made so forgive me if it is not up to good standards! I will be more than happy to answer any questions. I hope Bard goes pretty good for you now! Again sorry for anything incorrect or done badly. ( I shall try edit it more tomorrow!)

AD Attack speed Bard is POWER (8.21)

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Hi, i'm Falling Zebra. i have been playing AD attack speed bard for a few months. I thought it wasn't fair that people didn't realize the power that was locked inside of bard. I have over 999 wins on AD attack speed bard.


When you are using this build on bard, you are going to want to start with a long sword and 3 biscuits. The long long sword will give you the damage you need to sustain in lane. Your first full item should be a statikk shiv for wave clear, crit, and attack speed. For boots you should go mercs, berzerker's, or CDR. Your core consists of an IE and a rageblade. this give you more damage/crit plus the attack speed from the rageblade stacks. I prefer to take runaans over PD because thyour meeps apply to the bolts from runaans. PD also works if you would like some extra crit chance. Next is the BORK. The BORK gives you the life steal to help you sustain in late game, and it also gives you some extra attack speed to cap out with full rageblade stacks. The situational items are there to replace the BORK in case you dont need it in a matchup.



Mobafire Attack Dmg Bard Download


This build supports more of an aggressive play style. If you can get ahead and get your shiv, you should do fine in lane. However, if you do get behind, play semi-aggressive and take every opportunity to get a kill to level out with your opponent.

Team Fights

With this build you are going to want to stay near the back line during team fights. Your ultimate allows you to stop low enemies from escaping. Your Ultimate can be difficult to hit but it is not something that practice cannot perfect. Ty to only fight when you have your meeps available. Your meeps are a huge factor in your auto attack damage. If your team engages without you in a team fight, you can use your magical journey to flank into the enemy back line and shred their squishies. Depending on how well you are doing,you should take you 3-6 auto attacks (3 being all crits, 6 being no crits) to kill an ADC.


This build is god tier. Shred squishies, win freelo, it's that simple. Please give me some feedback on my build in the comments. I would like to hear your thoughts on this bard build.

Mobafire Attack Dmg Bard Free
